Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Almost Cut My Hair

Warning: I'm not funny tonight (could be I never am, but tonight I'm not even trying much)
The above hippie dribble was written by David Crosby around 1969. Believe it or not, when I refer to this as "hippie dribble", I don't really mean for that to be insulting, just honest. Also I guess for this to make sense to anybody other than my friends/family that read this I have to mention that I'm one of the oddball thirty-something guys in the world with hair well past my shoulders.
Nothing really funny happened today. Work is a little frustrating right now, and a family emergency led me to skip tonight's concert activities - rather than rock I had to visit a sick relative. I don't mind - its the right thing to do. Besides, I didn't feel like going alone and I'm pretty sure my friend who I'll call "Gil" to protect his identity was going to bail out anyway (ok, everybody who reads this knows who it is, I called him "Gil" because it was funny).
Every weekday, my wife and I drop our kids off at daycare. This makes me feel a little old because it is one of the only places people have ever referred to me as "Mr. (my real name)" and I felt comfortable with it. Usually I'm a first-name kind of guy, but when you're dropping your child off at "school" (sometimes we call it "daycare", sometimes "school", and sometimes "the baby kennel"), it feels appropriate to be addressed as "Mr".
This morning, for the second time, a boy of about five years I would guess asked me why I have long hair. The first time the answer was "Its just cheaper that way", and today I believe it was "It just worked out that way buddy". It sure did make me feel old. When I was that young man's age it was 1975 and a man my age with long hair did not stand out.
I don't remember too much about 1975, but I was there. From what I've seen in movies I gather that the Rolling Stones "Gimme Shelter" played pretty much non-stop, except in Vietnam where Doors songs could be heard playing even in the jungle.

Thirty-odd years from now when they're making movies about today's political climate, and today's war, I wonder what music will play in the background. The odds are pretty good that:

  1. My hair is longer than the members of those bands
  2. Those bands enjoyed most of their success after 11:59pm December 31, 1989, and therefore I never quite felt like I understood them.
If you got this far and you're wondering what the point was... I guess I didn't have one.

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