My mother once told me, "You didn't have a normal childhood, you're a Cubs fan". If you're a Cubs fan you understand. If you aren't, I can't explain it to you, but this makes sense. Red Sox fans, Indians fans, and maybe Toronto Maple Leaf fans would also understand. This year the Chicago Cubs don't stink. In fact, they're threatening to crawl into the post season. History has shown me that if I want to talk about the Cubs on a hot streak, I should do it fast. They just lost two in a row, hopefully I'm not too late. Those two losses aside I have a hunch if you're a Cubs fan, this might be a season that you don't want to miss. Here's a funny and somewhat related youtube link.
On to Van Halen. I've been a Van Halen fan since I was old enough to be a "fan" of one band over another. In 1985, David Lee Roth left Van Halen, which kind of sent shock waves through suburban America. Back then we didn't have all the media access that we have today, so information and rumors about this kinda bounced though the halls of high schools. He was replaced by Sammy Hagar, fracturing the Van Halen fan base and causing a lot of arguments. Most people agree that the earlier work was better ( I would say the first four albums are probably the best), but the Hagar era definitely has bright spots, and singers are replaceable. Its like this, "Those who can, play guitar. Those who can't, sing". Am I just be controversial to try to drum up traffic? Probably, but I do have a child named after Edward Van Halen. Anyway, news is expected any day now that Van Halen will be doing a fall tour with their original line up, except that bass player Michael Anthony has been replaced by Eddie Van Halen's sixteen year old son Wolfgang. But nobody will care that much and tickets will sell a little better than they did for the 2004 tour with Sammy Hagar. Why? Because bass players are replaceable too. You want job security, learn to play guitar. Personally I'm on the edge of my seat going "eh". If they'd done this ten years ago, it would have sold better, and I wouldn't need a baby sitter.
Finally the last thing on my mind: Everybody loves dogs. I realized this a couple of years ago as part of a story that I cannot relate here, but people will overlook you mistreating another human being, but be far more upset if you mistreat a dog. Everybody loves dogs. I knew this, and I'm sure Michael Vick knows it now. He would be more popular in the public eye if he ran a prostitution ring. Legally, I imagine he's better off in his current situation, but you have to keep in mind that not only am I not a lawyer, I have no idea whatsoever what I am talking about. But if you happen to be involved in a dogfighting operation and didn't realize that everybody loves dogs, or you think that you love dogs, know this: Everybody loves dogs. They love them wandering up, hanging their tongues out and hoping you scratch them behind the ear. They love them hanging out under a high chair waiting to see what the baby drops. They love that dogs are never concerned about how they look when they wake up, and dogs are never too concerned about how they smell (people don't want dogs to smell bad, but they admire that kind of freedom and lack of shame). If you get caught running an operation where you force dogs to kill each other, you will become only slightly more popular than a pedophile IRS agent. Don't mess with dogs.
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