Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reflections on Professional Wrestling and Downhill Skiing

I was in a Mexican restaurant this evening, I sat at the bar and had dinner alone.  Chicken soup… why is it that Mexican restaurants have such good soup and there doesn’t seem to be anything in it?  Other restaurants have horribly overpriced soup that is obviously from a can, but Mexican places have soup that seems to consist of nothing but chicken broth, potatoes carrots, chicken and avocados and it is wonderful.  Note to self: learn to make soup.

There were two televisions on, one tuned to some sort of men’s Olympic skiing event, the other to professional wrestling. So depending on your point of view, there is between zero and two sports on.  There was no sound on, but that didn’t matter much, because the wrestling was on a Spanish speaking channel.  I’m not sure about the skiing, but what difference could it really make?  What could they say?  “He’s trying to go faster”, “uh, yeah, he fell, that’s gonna hurt his time”, or “He caught an edge there, but he seems to be okay. He's in good shape, exce... uh, I think he's, he's a li.... (Gun shot. Skier falls.) Uh oh! He seems to have been accidentally shot by [name removed so as not to be sued if anybody ever reads this]! Yes, and I'm afraid [another name I’m removing] is out of this race.” (this is a reference to a 30+ year old SNL sketch that would be much funnier if I could find the sketch online, but I can’t).

On the other television, is wrestling.  WWE Raw, I guess.  In this case, the sound (in English) might actually have helped.  Because I would like an explanation of why any adult would watch this.  Women aren’t watching this.  I’m sure if flipping past they would notice the ridiculous build on the steroid addled truck-sized freaks in the ring, but they’re not going to stay there all day just because there are nice looking people of the opposite sex.  Why?  Because they’re women.

So, we’ve established that the audience is men.  Adolescents, right?  Pre-teens.  Because one you notice girls, you’re done with this, right?  Actually, no.  Looking in the audience there are grown men, some of whom we would assume have spent the night in the company of a woman at some point, who actually paid for a ticket, battled traffic, paid $10 for parking and maybe even bought a $9 beer, sitting there watching two muscle-bound men pretend to hurt each other.  I enjoy MMA.  If they actually hurt each other, I get it.  But this is just ridiculous to watch.  I don’t get it.  If you are watching professional wrestling, ask yourself the following question “Have I spent the night with a woman?”  If the answer is yes, change the channel.

All of this naturally begs the question... how boring is downhill skiing?  It was only a minute, but I watched professional wrestling long enough to contemplate this.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Can I blog from my iPod touch?

Yes. And it cases "iPod" for me too. I dont see using this much, buy nice to know it's there.